Bedroom Commands Game
Bedroom Commands Game
2 packs of card one for men one for women. Just select a card from your pack and thats what will be happening that evening.
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For Who | Both |
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Choose Overnight At Checkout
2 packs of card one for men one for women. Just select a card from your pack and thats what will be happening that evening.
Product Information | |
For Who | Both |
Oral Fun The Game of Eating Out whilst staying in. This game will tease and tantalise you as you make your way around the board, giving and receiving ..
Practice the Kamasutra positions in a new and more attractive way! Each member of the couple picks one of the two stacks of cards, men or women. They ..
Satisfyer Men Vibration is something for men who know what they like. The masturbator with a sophisticated design encloses your manhood, spoiling you ..
The game starts with the dealer flipping over a card to the player on their right. This player must then guess if the penis on the next card will be b..
101 unique ways to kiss your lover. Whenever you want to spice up your life, select a card and give your lover a creative kiss...
For those who fancy a really exciting card game there are now these Kama Sutra playing cards. A chic and stylish card set which includes 54 playing ca..
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